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A 1.1V 1ynm 6.4Gb/s/pin 16Gb DDR5 SDRAM with a Phase-Rotator-Based DLL, High-Speed SerDes and RX/TX Equalization Scheme., , , , , , , , , and 25 other author(s). ISSCC, page 380-382. IEEE, (2019)HIPS 2019 Keynote.. IPDPS Workshops, page 352. IEEE, (2019)An OpenCL optimizing compiler for reconfigurable processors., , , , , , and . FPT, page 184-191. IEEE, (2013)What We Can Learn from the Data: A Multiple-Case Study Examining Behavior Patterns by Students with Different Characteristics in Using a Serious Game., , , and . Technol. Knowl. Learn., 21 (1): 33-57 (2016)An automatic code overlaying technique for multicores with explicitly-managed memory hierarchies., , , and . CGO, page 219-229. ACM, (2012)SnuHPL: high performance LINPACK for heterogeneous GPUs., , , , , and . ICS, page 18:1-18:12. ACM, (2022)Basic Compiler Algorithms for Parallel Programs., , and . PPoPP, page 1-12. ACM, (1999)Performance characterization of the NAS Parallel Benchmarks in OpenCL., , and . IISWC, page 137-148. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Scratchpad memory management for portable systems with a memory management unit., , and . EMSOFT, page 321-330. ACM, (2006)Scratchpad memory management in a multitasking environment., , and . EMSOFT, page 265-274. ACM, (2008)