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A robot listens to music and counts its beats aloud by separating music from counting voice.

, , , , , and . IROS, page 1538-1543. IEEE, (2008)

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Automatic Feature Weighting in Automatic Transcription of Specified Part in Polyphonic Music., , , , and . ISMIR, page 172-175. (2006)Improvement in listening capability for humanoid robot HRP-2., , , , and . ICRA, page 470-475. IEEE, (2010)Prediction and imitation of other's motions by reusing own forward-inverse model in robots., , , , and . ICRA, page 4144-4149. IEEE, (2009)A Speech Understanding Framework that Uses Multiple Language Models and Multiple Understanding Models., , , , , and . HLT-NAACL (Short Papers), page 133-136. The Association for Computational Linguistics, (2009)User Adaptive Restoration for Incorrectly-Segmented Utterances in Spoken Dialogue Systems., , , and . SIGDIAL Conference, page 393-401. The Association for Computer Linguistics, (2015)Multi-Domain Spoken Dialogue System with Extensibility and Robustness against Speech Recognition Errors., , , , , , and . SIGDIAL Workshop, page 9-17. The Association for Computer Linguistics, (2006)Lexical Acquisition through Implicit Confirmations over Multiple Dialogues., , , , and . SIGDIAL Conference, page 50-59. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2017)Flexible Mixed-Initiative Dialogue Management using Concept-Level Confidence Measures of Speech Recognizer Output., and . COLING, page 467-473. Morgan Kaufmann, (2000)Integrating Topic Estimation and Dialogue History for Domain Selection in Multi-domain Spoken Dialogue Systems., , , and . IEA/AIE, volume 5027 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 294-304. Springer, (2008)Exploiting harmonic structures to improve separating simultaneous speech in under-determined conditions., , , , and . IROS, page 450-457. IEEE, (2010)