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Timing Semantics for Abstraction and Execution of Synthesized High-Level Robot Control., , , and . IEEE Trans. Robotics, 31 (3): 591-604 (2015)Correct high-level robot control from structured English., , , and . ICRA, page 3543-3544. IEEE, (2012)Provably correct continuous control for high-level robot behaviors with actions of arbitrary execution durations., , and . ICRA, page 4075-4081. IEEE, (2013)Variable elimination for scalable receding horizon temporal logic planning., , and . ACC, page 1917-1922. IEEE, (2015)Reactive switching protocols for multi-robot high-level tasks.. IROS, page 336-341. IEEE, (2014)Dynamics-driven adaptive abstraction for reactive high-level mission and motion planning., , and . ICRA, page 369-376. IEEE, (2015)Combining neural networks and tree search for task and motion planning in challenging environments., , , and . IROS, page 6059-6066. IEEE, (2017)Explaining Unsynthesizability of High-Level Robot Behaviors.. Cornell University, USA, (2013)Generating Dominant Strategies for Continuous Two-Player Zero-Sum Games., , , , and . ADHS, volume 51 of IFAC-PapersOnLine, page 7-12. Elsevier, (2018)Situation understanding bot through language and environment., , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). HRI, page 419-420. ACM, (2012)