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Studying Natural Human-computer Interaction in Immersive Virtual Reality: A Comparison between Actions in the Peripersonal and in the Near-action Space., , и . VISIGRAPP (2: HUCAPP), стр. 108-115. SciTePress, (2018)Detection of 3D position of eyes through a consumer RGB-D camera for stereoscopic mixed reality environments., , , , , , и . IC3D, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2014)Assessment of stereoscopic depth perception in augmented reality environments based on low-cost technologies., , , , , , и . APGV, стр. 111. ACM, (2011)Lattice Models for Context-Driven Regularization in Motion Perception., , и . WIRN, том 2859 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 35-42. Springer, (2003)Going to a Virtual Supermarket: Comparison of Different Techniques for Interacting in a Serious Game for the Assessment of the Cognitive Status., , , и . ICIAP Workshops, том 10590 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 281-289. Springer, (2017)A phase-based stereo vision system-on-a-chip., , , , и . Biosyst., 87 (2-3): 314-321 (2007)A Stereoscopic Augmented Reality System for the Veridical Perception of the 3D Scene Layout., , , , , и . VISAPP (2), стр. 15-23. SciTePress, (2012)A Fast Joint Bioinspired Algorithm for Optic Flow and Two-Dimensional Disparity Estimation., , и . ICVS, том 5815 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 184-193. Springer, (2009)A WebGL Virtual Reality Exergame for Assessing the Cognitive Capabilities of Elderly People: A Study About Digital Autonomy for Web-Based Applications., , и . ICPR Workshops (2), том 12662 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 163-170. Springer, (2020)A geometric model of spatial distortions in virtual and augmented environments., и . IPAS, стр. 55-60. IEEE, (2018)