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Prediction of brain electrical activity in epilepsy using a higher-dimensional prediction algorithm for discrete time cellular neural networks (DTCNN)., , and . ISCAS (5), page 720-723. IEEE, (2004)Synapse as a Memristor., and . Handbook of Memristor Networks, Springer, (2019)Iterative annealing: a new efficient optimization method for cellular neural networks., and . ICIP (1), page 549-552. IEEE, (2001)Cellular nonlinear network-based signal prediction in epilepsy: Method comparison., and . ISCAS, page 397-400. IEEE, (2015)Cellular neural networks for the anticipation of epileptic seizures., and . ISCAS (4), page 177-180. IEEE, (2002)Nonlinear prediction of brain electrical activity in epilepsy with a Volterra RLS algorithm., , and . ISCAS (3), page 595-598. IEEE, (2002)Dynamics of a Memristive Bridge with Valence Change Mechanism (VCM) Devices., , , , , and . ISCAS, page 1-5. IEEE, (2023)Critical role of initial condition in the dynamics of memristive systems: Orbital narrowing revisited., , and . ECCTD, page 1-4. IEEE, (2013)Complex dynamics in neuromorphic memristor circuits., , , and . ECCTD, page 1-4. IEEE, (2013)An Analog Memristive and Memcapacitive Device for Neuromorphic Computing., , , , , and . ICECS 2022, page 1-4. IEEE, (2022)