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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Enhancing iris authentication on handheld devices using deep learning derived segmentation techniques., und . ICCE, Seite 1-2. IEEE, (2018)Finger vein biometric: Smartphone footprint prototype with vein map extraction using computational imaging techniques., , , und . ICCE, Seite 512-513. IEEE, (2016)Smartphones and the Internet of Servants Notes from the Editor.. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 3 (4): 4-9 (2014)Postgraduate Research Day in the West of Ireland Society News.. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 4 (1): 24-25 (2015)Is "Dumb" the New "Smart"? Notes from the Editor.. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 4 (1): 4-7 (2015)Weep I Cannot, But My Heart Bleeds... Notes from the Editor.. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 5 (4): 3-4 (2016)BiLSTM-based Quality of Experience Prediction using Physiological Signals., , , und . QoMEX, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2022)Challenges for Edge-AI Implementations of Text-To-Speech Synthesis., und . ICCE, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Dataset Cleaning - A Cross Validation Methodology for Large Facial Datasets using Face Recognition., und . QoMEX, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2020)A Study on the Effect of Ageing in Facial Authentication and the Utility of Data Augmentation to Reduce Performance Bias Across Age Groups., , , und . IEEE Access, (2023)