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Parallel binary code analysis., , , , , и . PPoPP, стр. 76-89. ACM, (2021)OptP as the Normal Behavior of NP-Complete Problems., , и . Math. Syst. Theory, 28 (6): 487-514 (1995)The Complexity of Optimization Problems.. SCT, том 223 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 217-217. Springer, (1986)On Finding Locally Optimal Solutions.. SCT, стр. 132-137. IEEE Computer Society, (1989)Tools for top-down performance analysis of GPU-accelerated applications., , и . ICS, стр. 26:1-26:12. ACM, (2020)Structure in Locally Optimal Solutions (Extended Abstract). FOCS, стр. 216-221. IEEE Computer Society, (1989)Libmonitor: A tool for first-party monitoring.. Parallel Comput., 39 (3): 114-119 (2013)