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Exploring the BipedalWalker benchmark with MAP-Elites and curiosity-driven A3C., , and . GECCO Companion, page 79-80. ACM, (2020)Hearing the shape of an arena with spectral swarm robotics., , , , , , , and . CoRR, (2024)The Hunger Games: Embodied agents evolving foraging strategies on the frugal-greedy spectrum., , and . ECAL, page 357-364. MIT Press, (2015)Exploring Self-Assembling Behaviors in a Swarm of Bio-micro-robots using Surrogate-Assisted MAP-Elites., , and . SSCI, page 238-246. IEEE, (2019)Temperature-based inputs for molecular reservoir computers., , , , and . ALIFE, page 420-422. MIT Press, (2020)Toggling Between Two Limit Cycles in a Molecular Ecosystem., , , , , , , and . New Gener. Comput., 40 (2): 703-721 (2022)A multiscale computational framework for the development of spines in molluscan shells., , , and . PLoS Comput. Biol., 20 (3): 1011835 (2024)Surrogate-Assisted Optimization of the Opt-IA Artificial Immune System Algorithm., and . SSCI, page 1937-1944. IEEE, (2019)Automatic exploration of the property space of reservoirs., , and . GECCO Companion, page 99-100. ACM, (2021)Exploration of Reservoir Properties in Molecular Computing Systems., and . CEC, page 1-8. IEEE, (2024)