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A Novel Multilevel DCT Based Reversible Data Hiding.

, and . Handbook of Research on Computational Forensics, Digital Crime, and Investigation, IGI Global, (2010)

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Visual morphology.. Electronic Imaging: Nonlinear Image Processing, volume 3646 of SPIE Proceedings, SPIE, (1999)Quantum representation of 1-D signals on the unit circle., and . Quantum Inf. Process., 21 (1): 24 (2022)New look on quantum representation of images: Fourier transform representation., and . Quantum Inf. Process., 19 (5): 148 (2020)Image De-Noising Through Symmetric, Bell-Shaped, and Centered Weighted Median Filters Based Subband Decomposition., , , and . EIT, page 493-497. IEEE, (2018)Pixel- and region-based image fusion using the parameterized logarithmic stationary wavelet transform., , and . Multimedia on Mobile Devices / Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems, volume 7881 of SPIE Proceedings, page 78810U. SPIE, (2011)Color Restoration of Multispectral Images: Near-Infrared (NIR) filter-to-Color (RGB) image., , and . Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems, Society for Imaging Science and Technology, (2020)The quaternion-based anisotropic gradient for the color images., , and . Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems, Society for Imaging Science and Technology, (2019)Three Algorithms for Computing the 2-D Discrete Hartley Transform., and . ICIP, page 359-362. IEEE, (2000)Logical Transform based encryption for multimedia systems., , and . SMC, page 1953-1957. IEEE, (2010)Dynamic and implicit latin square doubly stochastic S-boxes with reversibility., , and . SMC, page 3358-3364. IEEE, (2011)