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Other publications of authors with the same name

Cylindrical Approximation of a Neuron from Reconstructed Polyhedron., , , and . ICCSA (3), volume 3045 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 257-266. Springer, (2004)Tapis early adopter workshop., , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). PEARC Companion, page 14:1. ACM, (2020)The C-MĀIKI Gateway: A Modern Science Platform for Analyzing Microbiome Data., , , , , and . PEARC, page 3:1-3:7. ACM, (2022)Scientific Data Annotation and Dissemination: Using the 'Ike Wai Gateway to Manage Research Data., , and . PEARC, page 188-197. ACM, (2020)Enabling Real-Time User Interaction For Decision Support: Experiences Extending A Local Agave Platform Metadata Service., , , , and . PEARC, page 8:1-8:6. ACM, (2019)Jetstream2: Accelerating cloud computing via Jetstream., , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). PEARC, page 11:1-11:8. ACM, (2021)Building Science Gateway Infrastructure in the Middle of the Pacific and Beyond: Experiences using the Agave Deployer and Agave Platform to Build Science Gateways., , , , , and . PEARC, page 4:1-4:8. ACM, (2018)Mana - Bringing Accessible HPC to Hawai'i., , , and . PEARC, page 86-93. ACM, (2023)Integrated Advanced Computing Management Interface (IACMI): A Web Portal to Democratize HPC Management., , , and . PEARC, page 328-331. ACM, (2023)Building Tapis v3 Streams API Support for Real-Time Streaming Data Event-Driven Workflows., , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). PEARC, page 17:1-17:8. ACM, (2021)