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Recency, records and recaps: learning and non-equilibrium behavior in a simple decision problem., and . EC, page 971-986. ACM, (2014)Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium and Sequential Equilibrium, and . Journal of Economic Theory, (1991)Recency, Records, and Recaps: Learning and Nonequilibrium Behavior in a Simple Decision Problem., and . ACM Trans. Economics and Comput., 4 (4): 23:1-23:18 (2016)Game Theory, and . The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1 edition, (1991)Rational Expectations Business Cycles in Search Equilibrium: A Correction, and . Journal of Political Economy, 99 (1): 218 (Jan 1, 1991)doi: 10.1086/261747.Rules of Thumb for Social Learning, and . Journal of Political Economy, 101 (4): 612 (Jan 1, 1993)doi: 10.1086/261890.A Theory of Income and Dividend Smoothing Based on Incumbency Rents, and . Journal of Political Economy, 103 (1): 75 (Jan 1, 1995)doi: 10.1086/261976.Learning in games, and . European Economic Review, 42 (3-5): 631--639 (May 31, 1998)Existence of equilibrium in large double auctions., , and . J. Econ. Theory, 133 (1): 550-567 (2007)The Fat Cat Effect, the Puppy-Dog Play, and the Lean and Hungry Look, and . American Economic Review, (1984)