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A Tracking Controller Using RBFNs for Closed-Chain Robotic Manipulators., , и . ICIC (3), том 304 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 428-434. Springer, (2012)Modified Kalman filter for networked monitoring systems employing a send-on-delta method, , и . Automatica, 43 (2): 332 - 338 (2007)Improving Estimation Performance in Networked Control Systems Applying the Send-on-delta Transmission Method, и . Sensors, 7 (10): 2128--2138 (2007)Networked Estimation for Event-Based Sampling Systems with Packet Dropouts, и . Sensors, 9 (4): 3078--3089 (2009)Gait velocity estimation for a smartwatch platform using Kalman filter peak recovery., , , и . BSN, стр. 230-235. IEEE, (2016)Pedestrian navigation algorithm using inertial-based walking stick., и . HSI, стр. 193-195. IEEE, (2017)Pedestrian inertial navigation with gait phase detection assisted zero velocity updating., и . ICARA, стр. 336-341. IEEE, (2009)Autonomous Kinematic Calibration of the Robot Manipulator with a Linear Laser-Vision Sensor., , , , и . ICIC (2), том 4682 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1102-1109. Springer, (2007)An Online Self Gain Tuning Computed Torque Controller for A Five-Bar Manipulator., , и . ICIC (1), том 6838 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 538-543. Springer, (2011)Kalman-Filter-Based Walking Distance Estimation for a Smart-Watch., , и . CHASE, стр. 150-156. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)