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Cerebral palsy in Eastern Denmark 1965-1974. III. The significance of perinatal factors in congenital spastic cases. Cerebral Palsy Registry of Denmark, no. 9

. Ugeskr Laeger, 145 (7): 526--534 (February 1983)

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Cerebral palsy in Eastern Denmark 1965-1974. I. Decreasing incidence of congenital cases. Reports from CP-registry. Ugeskr Laeger, 144 (2): 119--124 (January 1982)Cerebral palsy in Eastern Denmark 1965-1974. II Significance of perinatal factors--birth place and birth weight. Cerebral Palsy Registry no VIII. Ugeskr Laeger, 144 (38): 2805--2811 (September 1982)Cerebral palsy in Eastern Denmark 1965-1974. I. Decreased frequency of congenital cases. Cerebral Palsy Registry of Denmark Report No. VII.. Neuropediatrics, 13 (2): 72--76 (May 1982)Variations in the population of postnatal acquired cerebral palsy cases in Danish counties east of the Little Belt during the years 1950-1969. Ugeskr Laeger, 138 (22): 1356--1361 (May 1976)Cerebral paresis in Eastern Denmark 1965-1974. IV. The significance of perinatal factors in dyskinetic cases. Report number X from the Cerebral Palsy Registry. Ugeskr Laeger, 145 (18): 1407--1413 (May 1983)Variations in the population of congenital (pre- and perinatal) cases of cerebral palsy in Danish counties east of the Little Belt during the years 1950-1969. Report from Cerebral Palsy Registry III. Ugeskr Laeger, 138 (47): 2984--2991 (November 1976)Plastazote PVC splints. A new, rapid and cheap method of splinting. Ugeskr Laeger, 132 (4): 142--143 (January 1970)Cerebral palsy in Eastern Denmark 1965-1974. III. The significance of perinatal factors in congenital spastic cases. Cerebral Palsy Registry of Denmark, no. 9. Ugeskr Laeger, 145 (7): 526--534 (February 1983)Cerebral palsy in Eastern Denmark 1965-1974. V. The significance of perinatal factors in ataxic cases. Cerebral Palsy Registry XI. Ugeskr Laeger, 145 (20): 1568--1572 (May 1983)