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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Explicit Mean-Square Error Bounds for Monte-Carlo and Linear Stochastic Approximation., , , und . AISTATS, Volume 108 von Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Seite 4173-4183. PMLR, (2020)Experimental Evaluation of Frequency Regulation From Commercial Building HVAC Systems., , , und . IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, 6 (2): 776-783 (2015)Synchronization of Coupled Oscillators is a Game., , , und . IEEE Trans. Autom. Control., 57 (4): 920-935 (2012)Model reference adaptive control of time varying and stochastic systems., und . IEEE Trans. Autom. Control., 38 (12): 1738-1753 (1993)Approximate dynamic programming using fluid and diffusion approximations with applications to power management., , , , , , , und . CDC, Seite 3575-3580. IEEE, (2009)Efficient Simulation of Multiclass Queueing Networks., und . WSC, Seite 216-223. ACM, (1997)Convex Q Learning in a Stochastic Environment., und . CDC, Seite 776-781. IEEE, (2023)A feedback particle filter-based approach to optimal control with partial observations., und . CDC, Seite 3121-3127. IEEE, (2013)Learning equilibria in constrained Nash-Cournot games with misspecified demand functions., , und . CDC/ECC, Seite 1018-1023. IEEE, (2011)Zap Q-Learning., und . NIPS, Seite 2235-2244. (2017)