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Notes on Structured Programming. (апреля 1970)EWD249 -- circulated privately -- -- geprüft: 12.~August~2002.The End of Computing Science?. Comm.~ACM, 44 (3): 92 (марта 2001)Original transcript at -- last visited $2^nd$~January~2008.Cooperating sequential processes. Programming Languages: NATO Advanced Study Institute, Academic Press, -- last visited $8^th$~December~2007.(1968)Answers to questions from students of Software Engineering. (ноября 2000) -- -- last visited $2^nd$~January~2008.The Tide, Not the Waves. , стр. 59--64. New York, ACM, Copernicus Books (Springer), (мая 1997) -- geprüft: 14.~Juli~2002.Dijkstra's Reply To Comments. A debate on teaching computing science, стр. 1414. ACM, (декабря 1989)CACM 32 (1989), Nr.~12.Structured Programming, , и . Academic Press, London, (1972)Self-stabilizing Systems in Spite of Distributed Control. Communications of the ACM, 17 (11): 643--644 (1974)On the cruelty of Really Teaching Computing Science. A debate on teaching computing science, стр. 1398--1404. ACM, (декабря 1989)CACM 32 (1989), Nr.~12.Solution to a problem in concurrent programming control. Comm.~ACM, 8 (9): 569ff (1965)