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Eye manifestations in multihandicapped children with cerebral disorders

, , and . Kinderarztl Prax, 56 (2): 77--81 (February 1988)

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Eye manifestations in multihandicapped children with cerebral disorders, , and . Kinderarztl Prax, 56 (2): 77--81 (February 1988)Ön water": Unique reactivity of organic compounds in aqueous suspension, , , , , and . Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 44 (21): 3275--3279 (2005)931WN Times Cited:125 Cited References Count:52.A signalprocessor using bit-slice elements for the audio frequency range. Signal Processing, 2 (4): 339--346 (October 1980)Regulation of lens rCx46-formed hemichannels by activation of protein kinase C, external Ca(2+) and protons, , , , and . The Journal of membrane biology, 173 (1): 39--46 (January 2000)Differential defense responses in sweet potato suspension culture., , , and . PLant Science, (2005)Inactivation of expressed and conducting rCx46 hemichannels by phosphorylation, , , , and . Pflugers Archiv : European journal of physiology, 436 (4): 627--629 (July 1998)Hodgkin-Huxley Analysis of a Gcac1 Anion Channel in the Plasma-Membrane of Guard-Cells, , and . Journal of Membrane Biology, 146 (3): 273-282 (1995)Rq270 Times Cited:29 Cited References Count:36.The voltage-dependent H+-ATPase of the sugar beet vacuole is reversible, , , and . European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters, 22 (6): 399-403 (1994)