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Noncooperative Distributed MMSE Schemes for AF SIMO Wireless Relay Networks.

, , , , and . CICSyN, page 89-94. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)

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Low-complexity two-way AF MIMO relay strategy for wireless relay networks., , , , , , and . ACSSC, page 235-239. IEEE, (2014)MMSE Relaying Strategy for Two-Way Amplify-and-Forward Wireless Networks., , , , , and . VTC Fall, page 1-5. IEEE, (2013)Distributed multiuser MMSE relaying strategies for AF wireless relay networks., , , , and . GLOBECOM, page 3372-3376. IEEE, (2014)Cooperative Distributed MISO Wireless Relay Networks Under Jamming Environments with Power Constraints., , , , and . CICSyN, page 84-88. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Two-Way AF MIMO Beamforming Relay Strategies under Transmit Power Constraint., , , , and . MILCOM, page 533-537. IEEE, (2013)Simulations on the statistical properties for cascaded Rayleigh fading channel., , , and . MILCOM, page 435-440. IEEE, (2011)AF MIMO Beamforming Relay Networks under Various Power Constraints., , , and . MILCOM, page 1273-1277. IEEE, (2013)Access Control List Mediation System for Large-Scale Network., , , , and . PDCAT, page 483-487. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Noncooperative Distributed MMSE Schemes for AF SIMO Wireless Relay Networks., , , , and . CICSyN, page 89-94. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)A Note on Ämplify-and-Forward Relay Networks under Received Power Constraint"., , , and . IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., 12 (10): 5375 (2013)