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Panel: Object-Oriented Knowledge-Based Software Maintenance., , , , и . OOPSLA, стр. 363-369. ACM, (1988)SIGPLAN Notices 23(11).Samea: Object-Oriented Software Maintenance Environment for assembly Programs., , и . The Impact of Case Technology on Software Processes, том 3 из Series on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, World Scientific, (1994)An object-oriented maintenance-oriented model for software., , и . COMPCON, стр. 248-253. IEEE Computer Society, (1989)AURA-CFG/E: An Object-Oriented approach for Acquisition and Decomposition of DFDs from End users., , и . SEKE, стр. 1-7. Knowledge Systems Institute, (1995)Knowledge Acquisition and Process Acquisition.. ICTAI, стр. 4. IEEE Computer Society, (1992)