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A Surveillance Spyware Detection System Based on Data Mining Methods., , , , , и . IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, стр. 3236-3241. IEEE, (2006)An online response system for anomaly traffic by incremental mining with genetic optimization., и . J. Commun. Networks, 12 (4): 375-381 (2010)Permission Abusing by Ad Libraries of Smartphone Apps., , , , и . ICUFN, стр. 475-477. IEEE, (2019)Permission-based malware detection mechanisms for smart phones., и . ICOIN, стр. 449-452. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Identifying Ad Libraries by Their Network Behavior Patterns., , , , и . DASC/PiCom/DataCom/CyberSciTech, стр. 397-398. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Machine learning on merging static and dynamic features to identify malicious mobile apps., , и . ICUFN, стр. 863-867. IEEE, (2017)Using Incremental Mining to Generate Fuzzy Rules for Real-Time Network Intrusion Detection Systems., , , и . AINA Workshops, стр. 50-55. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)The Research of Locating Methods for Mobile Stations Based on IEEE 802.16e Multi-hop WMANs., , , и . AINA Workshops, стр. 77-80. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Attack Patterns Discovery by Frequent Episodes Mining from Honeypot Systems., , и . ISA, том 5576 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 301-306. Springer, (2009)Discovery and prevention of attack episodes by frequent episodes mining and finite state machines.. J. Netw. Comput. Appl., 33 (2): 156-167 (2010)