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INGENIAS development kit: a visual multi-agent system development environment., , , и . AAMAS (Demos), стр. 1675-1676. IFAAMAS, (2008)Early Detection of Abandonment Signs in Interactive Novels with a Randomized Forest Classifier., , , , , и . IBERAMIA, том 13788 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 208-217. Springer, (2022)A Motivation-Based Self-organization Approach., и . DCAI, том 50 из Advances in Soft Computing, стр. 259-268. Springer, (2008)Social Identity Management in Social Networks., , и . DCAI, том 50 из Advances in Soft Computing, стр. 62-70. Springer, (2008)A Sociological Framework for Multi-agent Systems Validation and Verification., , и . ER (Workshops), том 3289 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 458-469. Springer, (2004)Open Peer-to-Peer Systems over Blockchain and IPFS: an Agent Oriented Framework., , и . CRYBLOCK@MobiSys, стр. 19-24. ACM, (2018)The SiCoSSyS approach to SoS engineering., , и . SoSE, стр. 179-184. IEEE, (2011)DEMOS Tools for Online Discussion and Decision Making., , и . ICWE, том 2722 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 525-528. Springer, (2003)Active Replication of Software Components., и . SEM, том 2596 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 203-215. Springer, (2002)An Overview of Current Trends in European AOSE Research., , и . Informatica (Slovenia), 29 (4): 379-390 (2005)