Autor der Publikation

Building Shared Graphical Editors Using the Abstraction-Link-View Architecture

, und . Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Seite 311-324. Milano, Italy, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (September 1993)

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The Rendezvous Architecture and Language for Constructing Multi-User Applications., , , , und . ACM Trans. Comput. Hum. Interact., 1 (2): 81-125 (1994)Abstraction and Declarativness in User Interface Development. The Methological Basis of the Composite Object Architecture., und . IFIP Congress, Seite 253-258. North-Holland/IFIP, (1989)UIMSs: threat or menace?, , , , und . CHI, Seite 197-200. ACM, (1988)Supporting concurrency, communication and synchronization in human-computer interaction.. University of Toronto, Canada, (1987)The Structure of Tube - A Tool for Implementing Advanced User Interfaces., und . Eurographics, North-Holland / Eurographics Association, (1989)Lessons from LyricTime: a prototype multimedia system., , und . Comput. Commun. Rev., 22 (3): 35-36 (1992)Rendezvous: An Architecture for Synchronous Multi-User Applications, , und . Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Seite 317-328. Los Angeles, California, ACM, (Oktober 1990)Event-response systems: a technique for specifying multi-threaded dialogues.. CHI, Seite 241-248. ACM, (1987)The abstraction-link-view paradigm: using constraints to connect user interfaces to applications.. CHI, Seite 335-342. ACM, (1992)Groupware for realtime collaboration., und . CHI Conference Companion, Seite 369-370. ACM, (1994)