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The Security Intention Meeting Series as a way to increase visibility of software security decisions in agile development projects.

, , , and . ARES, page 59:1-59:8. ACM, (2019)

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Accountability Requirements for the Cloud., , , , , and . CloudCom, page 375-382. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Towards Strong Accountability for Cloud Service Providers., , , and . CloudCom, page 1001-1006. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Monitoring Intrusions and Security Breaches in Highly Distributed Cloud Environments., and . CloudCom, page 772-777. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)A Cryptographic Protocol for Communication in a Redundant Array of Independent Net-storages., , and . CloudCom, page 172-179. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Thunder in the Clouds: Security challenges and solutions for federated Clouds., , , and . CloudCom, page 113-120. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Zebras and Lions: Better Incident Handling Through Improved Cooperation., , and . I4CS, volume 648 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 129-139. (2016)Sink or SWIM: Information Security Requirements in the Sky., and . ARES, page 794-801. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Learn to SWIM., and . ARES, page 556-560. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Beyond lightning: A survey on security challenges in cloud computing., , and . Comput. Electr. Eng., 39 (1): 47-54 (2013)Security Requirements for the Rest of Us: A Survey., , and . IEEE Softw., 25 (1): 20-27 (2008)