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Improving the Efficiency of Deep Learning Methods in Remote Sensing Data Analysis: Geosystem Approach., , , , and . IEEE Access, (2020)GNSS and SAR Signal Delay in Perturbed Ionospheric D-Region During Solar X-Ray Flares., , , , , , and . IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., 17 (7): 1198-1202 (2020)Quiet Ionospheric D-Region (QIonDR) Model Based on VLF/LF Observations., , , , , , and . Remote. Sens., 13 (3): 483 (2021)Determination of electrical parameters of dried blood spot samples with different concentration of methotrexate., , , , , , and . EWDTS, page 1-4. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Computer as a tool for controlling measurement of water content in building materials., , and . EUROCON, page 1-4. IEEE, (2011)Improving the Efficiency of the ERS Data Analysis Techniques by Taking into Account the Neighborhood Descriptors., , , and . Data, 3 (2): 18 (2018)Extraterrestrial Influences on Remote Sensing in the Earth's Atmosphere., , and . Remote. Sens., 13 (5): 890 (2021)Recent Advances in Electrochemical Sensors for Caffeine Determination., , , , and . Sensors, 22 (23): 9185 (2022)