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Serotonin depresses feeding behaviour in ants, , and . Journal of Insect Physiology, 58 (1): 7 - 17 (2012)Experience-related reorganization of giant synapses in the lateral complex: Potential role in plasticity of the sky-compass pathway in the desert ant <i>Cataglyphis fortis</i>, , , and . Developmental Neurobiology, 76 (4): 390--404 (2016)Functional neuroanatomy of the rhinophore of <i>Archidoris pseudoargus</i>, , , and . Helgoland Marine Research, 61 (2): 135--142 (Jun 1, 2007)Multiple olfactory receptor neurons and their axonal projections in the antennal lobe of the honeybee <i>Apis mellifera</i>, , and . The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 496 (3): 395--405 (2006)Caste- and sex-specific adaptations within the olfactory pathway in the brain of the ant <i>Camponotus floridanus</i>, and . Arthropod Structure & Development, 37 (6): 469 - 479 (2008)Elemental and non-elemental olfactory learning using PER conditioning in the bumblebee, <i>Bombus terrestris</i>, , and . Apidologie, 45 (1): 106--115 (2014)Neuropeptidomics of the Carpenter Ant <i>Camponotus floridanus</i>, , , , , and . Journal of Proteome Research, 14 (3): 1504-1514 (2015)PMID: 25641051.Density of mushroom body synaptic complexes limits intraspecies brain miniaturization in highly polymorphic leaf-cutting ant workers, , , and . Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, (2014)Kompass im Kopf, , and . Biologie in unserer Zeit, 50 (2): 100-109 (2020)Neuronal plasticity in the mushroom-body calyx of bumble bee workers during early adult development, , , and . Developmental Neurobiology, 79 (4): 287-302 (2019)