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A mismatch-robust period-based VCO frequency comparison technique for ULP receivers., , и . ISCAS, стр. 1765-1768. IEEE, (2013)Wavelet transforms dedicated to compress recorded ENGs from multichannel implants: comparative architectural study., , и . ISCAS, IEEE, (2006)A low-power bioamplifier with a new active DC rejection scheme., , и . ISCAS, IEEE, (2006)Fast parameters optimization of an iterative decoder using a configurable hardware accelerator., , , , , и . ISCAS (4), стр. 4159-4162. IEEE, (2005)Low-voltage CMOS analog bootstrapped switch for sample-and-hold circuit: design and chip characterization., , и . ISCAS (3), стр. 2200-2203. IEEE, (2005)High-voltage operational amplifier based on dual floating-gate transistors., , , и . ISCAS, IEEE, (2006)A low-voltage 38µW sigma-delta modulator dedicated to wireless signal recording applications., , и . ISCAS (1), стр. 1073-1076. IEEE, (2003)Planar microcoils array applied to magnetic beads based lab-on-chip for high throughput applications., , и . ISCAS, стр. 2345-2348. IEEE, (2011)An Offset Compensated CMOS Current-Feedback Operational-Amplifier., , и . ISCAS, стр. 1552-1555. IEEE, (1995)Biphasic, energy-efficient, current-controlled stimulation back-end for retinal visual prosthesis., , и . ISCAS, стр. 241-244. IEEE, (2014)