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Unsupervised Hashtag Retrieval and Visualization for Crisis Informatics., и . CoRR, (2018)A Semantic Search Engine For Investigating Human Trafficking., , и . ISWC (Posters, Demos & Industry Tracks), том 1963 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2017)Structured Event Entity Resolution in Humanitarian Domains., , , и . ISWC (1), том 11136 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 233-249. Springer, (2018)Entity Resolution in a Big Data Framework.. AAAI, стр. 4243-4244. AAAI Press, (2015)Low-supervision urgency detection and transfer in short crisis messages., и . ASONAM, стр. 353-356. ACM, (2019)Concept drift in bias and sensationalism detection: an experimental study., и . ASONAM, стр. 601-604. ACM, (2019)Locally Constructing Product Taxonomies from Scratch Using Representation Learning., , , и . ASONAM, стр. 507-514. IEEE, (2020)DeepGraph: Multi-Cluster Interactive Visualization of Complex Networks in a Learned Representation Space., и . ASONAM, стр. 427-430. ACM, (2023)Automatic Semantic Typing of Pet E-commerce Products Using Crowdsourced Reviews: An Experimental Study., , , , , , и . KGSWC, том 14382 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 151-167. Springer, (2023)Expert-Guided Entity Extraction using Expressive Rules., , и . SIGIR, стр. 1353-1356. ACM, (2019)