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Universally Fault-Tolerant Broadcasting in Trees., и . ICPADS, стр. 724-729. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Hypercube Permutations Routable Under all Dimension Orderings.. Inf. Process. Lett., 59 (4): 185-189 (1996)Optimal Fault-Tolerant Broadcasting in Trees (Extended Abstract)., и . ISAAC, том 1350 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 143-152. Springer, (1997)Exploring Unknown Undirected Graphs., и . SODA, стр. 316-322. ACM/SIAM, (1998)Rubik Routing Permutations on Graphs., и . Euro-Par, Vol. I, том 1123 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 283-286. Springer, (1996)