Author of the publication

Archibald Crossley: Father of Broadcast Ratings

. Journal of Advertising Research, 26 (1): 47--53 (1986)

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Hans Ziesel: Forensic Sociologist. Journal of Advertising Research, 26 (1): 39--42 (1986)Frank Stanton: Our First CEO. Journal of Advertising Research, 26 (1): 43--46 (1986)Ernest Dichter: Motive Interpreter. Journal of Advertising Research, 26 (1): 15--20 (1986)Archibald Crossley: Father of Broadcast Ratings. Journal of Advertising Research, 26 (1): 47--53 (1986)George Gallup: Mr. Polling. Journal of Advertising Research, 26 (1): 21--25 (1986)The moving target. Free Pr., New York, (1982)Founding Fathers of Advertising Research. Journal of Advertising Research, 26 (1): 3--8 (1986)Henry Brenner: Practical Entrepreneur. Journal of Advertising Research, 26 (1): 30--35 (1986)A Conversation with Frank Stanton. American Communication Research: The Remembered History, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ, (1996)A. C. Nielsen, Sr.: Audit Pioneer. Journal of Advertising Research, 26 (1): 36--38 (1986)