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Multi-scale Local Receptive Field Based Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine for Material Classification., , , , , и . ICCSIP (1), том 1005 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 37-53. Springer, (2018)Deep Learning Based Single Image Super-Resolution: A Survey., , , , , и . BICS, том 10989 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 106-119. Springer, (2018)Application of BP Network-Based Multi-sensor Fusion Techniques in Measurement of the Unburned Carbon in Fly Ash., , , , и . ISNN (3), том 3498 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 674-679. Springer, (2005)Expensive many-objective evolutionary optimization guided by two individual infill criteria., , , и . Memetic Comput., 16 (1): 55-69 (марта 2024)A Stochastic Cooperative MIMO Channel Model Concerning the Correlation of B-R and R-M., , , , и . CyberC, стр. 448-452. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)A Congestion-Based Random-Encountering Routing (CTR) Scheme., , , и . SINC, том 688 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 95-103. (2016)Granular Computing Based Sorting Method in Multi-Objective Optimization., , , и . GrC, стр. 78-. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Learning a dual-branch classifier for class incremental learning., , , , и . Appl. Intell., 53 (4): 4316-4326 (февраля 2023)Automatic Modulation Recognition of Digital Signals Using CWT Based on Optimal Scales., , , , , и . CIT, стр. 430-434. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Fault diagnosis based on granular matrix-SDG and its application., , , и . GrC, стр. 752-756. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)