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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Collusion resistant fingerprinting of digital audio., , , , und . SIN, Seite 5-12. ACM, (2011)On allocating the variance of output growth to trend and cycle components, , und . Economics Letters, 30 (4): 323--326 (Oktober 1989)Algebraic construction of a new class of quasi-orthogonal arrays for steganography., , , , und . Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents, Volume 3657 von SPIE Proceedings, Seite 354-364. SPIE, (1999)Bispectral analysis and model validation of texture images., und . IEEE Trans. Image Process., 5 (7): 996-1009 (1995)Image modeling using inverse filtering criteria with application to textures., und . IEEE Trans. Image Process., 5 (6): 938-949 (1996)Texture model validation using higher-order statistics., und . ICASSP, Seite 2673-2676. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)Arrays over roots of unity with perfect autocorrelation and good ZCZ cross-correlation., , und . Adv. in Math. of Comm., 7 (3): 231-242 (2013)Use of a Neural Network to Identify Man-made Structure in Millimeter-Wave Images for Security Screening Applications., , , und . IJCNN, Seite 2009-2014. IEEE, (2006)Image Modeling Using Inverse Filtering Criteria with Application to Texture Images., und . ICIP (3), Seite 392-396. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)Business cycles. Praeger, New York, NY u.a., (1990)