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Eggload dynamics and oviposition rate in a wild population of a parasitic wasp, , , и . Journal of Animal Ecology, 69 (2): 185-193 (2000)Ontogeny of air-motion sensing in cricket., , , , и . Journal of Experimental Biology, 209 (Pt 21): 4363--4370 (2006)The Quijote CMB Experiment, , , , , , , , , и 30 other автор(ы). (2008)On the performance of some bioinspired genetic operators in complex structures evolution., и . GECCO, стр. 1841-1842. ACM, (2009)Nonequilibrium absolute temperature, thermal waves and phonon hydrodynamics, и . Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 163 (1): 47--58 (01.02.1990)Transition from pushed-to-pulled fronts in piecewise linear reaction-diffusion systems, , , и . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 375 (1): 51--64 (15.02.2007)On Brownian motion in fluids with spin, , и . Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 119 (1-2): 212--229 (апреля 1983)Boundary conditions for interfacial fluid systems with spin, и . Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 111 (1-2): 351--363 (марта 1982)On a new thermodynamic description of viscoelastic materials, , и . Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 137 (3): 531--545 (01.09.1986)On the Ginzburg-Landau expression for the free energy of solutions under flow, , и . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 274 (3-4): 466--475 (15.12.1999)