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A hybrid semi-supervised approach for financial fraud detection., , , , , и . ICMLC, стр. 217-222. IEEE, (2017)AN indicator-based selection multi-objective evolutionary algorithm with preference for multi-class ensemble., , , и . ICMLC, стр. 147-152. IEEE, (2014)A weighted voting method using minimum square error based on Extreme Learning Machine., , , и . ICMLC, стр. 411-414. IEEE, (2012)Sample selection based on maximum entropy for support vector machines., и . ICMLC, стр. 1390-1395. IEEE, (2010)Tackling Test Challenges for Interposer-Based 2.5-D Integrated Circuits., и . IEEE Des. Test, 34 (5): 72-79 (2017)Message Dissemination for Throughput Optimization in Storage-Limited Opportunistic Underwater Sensor Networks., , , и . SECON, стр. 1-9. IEEE, (2016)A Transfer Learning Method for CT Image Classification of Pulmonary Nodules., , , и . WISATS (2), том 281 из Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, стр. 159-166. Springer, (2019)Superconvergence analysis of an H1-Galerkin mixed FEM for Klein-Gordon-Zakharov equations with power law nonlinearity., и . Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., (марта 2024)Research on Factor Importance Feature Recognition Algorithm Based on KPCA-GBDT-LightGBM Intelligent Coupling Algorithm., , и . CIPAE, стр. 667-671. IEEE, (2023)Long-Tailed Partial Label Learning by Head Classifier and Tail Classifier Cooperation., , , и . AAAI, стр. 12857-12865. AAAI Press, (2024)