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Other publications of authors with the same name

Painting the tape: Aggregate evidence, and . Economics Letters, 89 (3): 306--311 (December 2005)Private polling in elections and voter welfare., , and . J. Econ. Theory, 144 (5): 2021-2056 (2009)Intraday trade in dealership markets, and . European Economic Review, 46 (9): 1697--1732 (October 2002)Who herds?, , and . Journal of Financial Economics, 80 (3): 657--675 (June 2006)Vanguards in revolution., and . Games Econ. Behav., (2019)On the benefits of party competition., , , and . Games Econ. Behav., 66 (2): 685-707 (2009)Monotone and bounded interval equilibria in a coordination game with information aggregation., and . Math. Soc. Sci., (2017)Asymmetric information and stock return cross-autocorrelations, and . Economics Letters, 96 (1): 14--22 (July 2007)Free trade equilibria to multi-country quota games, and . Journal of International Economics, 27 (3-4): 319--333 (November 1989)Political polarization and the electoral effects of media bias, , and . Journal of Public Economics, 92 (5-6): 1092--1104 (June 2008)