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DISCOMAP: A System to Support Distributed Cognition in Inquiring Organizations.

, , and . AMCIS, page 57. Association for Information Systems, (2005)

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The DAGS Model: Relevance to Environmental Decision Support Systems., , , and . AMCIS, page 193. Association for Information Systems, (2006)Health Information Systems: Design Theor, Principles, and Application.. AMCIS, page 88. Association for Information Systems, (2005)Encouraging Ethical Behavior in Organizations: Punishment as Magnitude of Consequences., , and . AMCIS, page 306. Association for Information Systems, (2003)Can You Hear What I See? Nonverbal Communication and the Changing Face of TML.. Commun. Assoc. Inf. Syst., (2007)Philosophical Foundations of Information Systems: A Review of the First 10 Years., , , , and . AMCIS, page 390. Association for Information Systems, (2005)DISCOMAP: A System to Support Distributed Cognition in Inquiring Organizations., , and . AMCIS, page 57. Association for Information Systems, (2005)Knowledge Management and the Design of Distributed Cognition Systems.. HICSS, IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Security Risks Related to Employee "Extra-Role" Creation of an Önline-persona"., , and . AMCIS, Association for Information Systems, (2016)A Churchmanian Theory of Knowledge Management System Design., and . HICSS, IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Churchman's Inquiring Systems: Kernel Theories for Knowledge Management., , , , , , and . Commun. Assoc. Inf. Syst., (2007)