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Bosses and kings: asymmetric power in paired common pool and public good games.

, , and . BQGT, page 82:1. ACM, (2010)

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A Grammar of Institutions, and . The American Political Science Review, 89 (3): 582-600 (1995)The Formation of Property Rights, and . Rights to Nature, Island Press, Washington D.C., (1996)Bosses and kings: asymmetric power in paired common pool and public good games., , and . BQGT, page 82:1. ACM, (2010)A polycentric approach for coping with climate change. Policy Research Working Paper, 5095. The World Bank, Washington D.C., (October 2009)Public Entrepreneurship. A Case Study in Ground Water Basin Management. University of California, Los Angeles, (1965)Introduction: an overview of the knowledge commons, and . Understanding knowledge as a commons: from theory to practice, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., (2007)Die Verfassung der Allmende: jenseits von Staat und Markt. Die Einheit der Gesellschaftswissenschaften Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, (1999)Governing the commons <dt.>.Private and common property rights. (2000)Property-Rights Regimes and Natural Resources. A Conceptual Analysis, and . Land Economics, (August 1992)The Struggle to Govern the Commons, , and . Science, 302 (5652): 1907-1912 (2003)