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Scalable domain decomposition preconditioners for heterogeneous elliptic problems., , , and . SC, page 80:1-80:11. ACM, (2013)Original coupled FEM/BIE numerical model for analyzing infinite periodic surface acoustic wave transducers., , and . J. Comput. Phys., (2013)R-adaptation par l'estimateur d'erreur hiérarchique., , , and . ARIMA J., (2006)Finite element methods for Darcy's problem coupled with the heat equation., , , , , and . Numerische Mathematik, 139 (2): 315-348 (2018)An example of explicit implementation strategy and preconditioning for the high order edge finite elements applied to the time-harmonic Maxwell's equations., , , and . Comput. Math. Appl., 75 (5): 1498-1514 (2018)Finite difference scheme for one system of nonlinear partial integro-differential equations., , , and . Appl. Math. Comput., (2018)A New Set of Hexahedral Meshes Local Transformations., , and . IMR, page 451-466. Springer, (2008)Optimal Mesh for P1 Interpolation in H1 Seminorm., and . IMR, page 259-270. Springer, (2006)An efficient numerical method for the equations of steady and unsteady flows of homogeneous incompressible Newtonian fluid., , and . J. Comput. Phys., 230 (3): 551-571 (2011)Parallel computing investigations for the projection method applied to the interface transport scheme of a two-phase flow by the method of characteristics., , , and . Numer. Algorithms, 80 (2): 447-467 (2019)