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An Improved PSO Algorithm Encoding a priori Information for Nonlinear Approximation., , и . ICIC (2), том 5755 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 223-231. Springer, (2009)Gene Selection and PSO-BP Classifier Encoding a Prior Information., , и . ICSI (2), том 6146 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 335-342. Springer, (2010)Research and implementation of graphic service grid system., , , и . CSCWD (1), стр. 334-338. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)The Research for Spatial Role-Based Access Control Model., , , и . ICCSA (4), том 6019 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 296-308. Springer, (2010)The Dilemma of Covert Channels Searching., и . ICISC, том 3935 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 169-174. Springer, (2005)Information Flow Graph: An Approach to Identifying Covert Storage Channels., , , и . INTRUST, том 6802 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 87-97. Springer, (2010)Extensible Motor of a Object-Relational DBMS: Design and Implementation., , и . TOOLS (31), стр. 372-379. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Interpreting system for visual query language CQL., , , и . ICIG, стр. 564-567. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)DecChain: A decentralized security approach in Edge Computing based on Blockchain., и . Future Gener. Comput. Syst., (2020)A Location-Based Secure Spatial Audit Policy Model., , и . CSSE (4), стр. 619-622. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)978-0-7695-3336-0.