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Toward A new Approach for Web Services Development Life Cycle., , , , и . ISWS, стр. 94-103. CSREA Press, (2005)Simulated annealing for improving software quality prediction., , и . GECCO, стр. 1893-1900. ACM, (2006)Software clustering by example., , и . GECCO (Companion), стр. 245-246. ACM, (2011)Sequence diagram to colored Petri nets transformation testing: an immune system metaphor., , и . CASCON, стр. 72-85. ACM, (2010)Recommending Improvements to Web Applications Using Quality-Driven Heuristic Search., , , и . WISE, том 5802 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 321-334. Springer, (2009)Impact of Complexity on Reusability in OO Systems., , и . ECOOP Workshops, том 1543 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 263-266. Springer, (1998)Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering., , , , и . ECOOP Workshops, том 2323 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 174-183. Springer, (2001)8th Workshop on Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering (QAOOSE 2004)., , , и . ECOOP Workshops, том 3344 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 23-35. Springer, (2004)A Probabilistic Approach for Change Impact Prediction in Object-Oriented Systems., , и . AIAI Workshops, том 475 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 89-200., (2009)Representing and Querying Reusable Object Frameworks., , и . SSR, стр. 110-120. ACM, (1997)