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Behavior-Based Propagation of Trust in Social Networks with Restricted and Anonymous Participation., , and . Comput. Intell., 31 (4): 642-668 (2015)Towards Risk-Aware Cost-Optimal Resource Allocation for Cloud Applications., , , , and . SCC, page 210-214. IEEE, (2019)Still Hammerable and Exploitable: on the Effectiveness of Software-only Physical Kernel Isolation., , and . CoRR, (2018)GhostKnight: Breaching Data Integrity via Speculative Execution., , , and . CoRR, (2020)Exploiting Users' Rating Behaviour to Enhance the Robustness of Social Recommendation., , , , , and . WISE (2), volume 10570 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 467-475. Springer, (2017)A Verifiable Ranked Choice Internet Voting System., , , , , , and . WISE (2), volume 10570 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 490-501. Springer, (2017)TweetRipple: Understanding Your Twitter Audience and the Impact of Your Tweets., , , and . CIC, page 256-265. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)MEDUSA: Malware Detection Using Statistical Analysis of System's Behavior., , and . CIC, page 272-278. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Privacy-Preserving Data Generation and Sharing Using Identification Sanitizer., , , , , , and . WISE (2), volume 12343 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 185-200. Springer, (2020)Querying Streaming XML Big Data with Multiple Filters on Cloud., , , , and . CSE, page 1121-1127. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)