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Analysis of radar allocation requirements for an IRST aided tracking of anti-ship missiles., , , и . FUSION, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2006)A maximum entropy framework for space-time adaptive processing., и . Signal Process., 84 (9): 1637-1652 (2004)New trends and findings in antenna array processing for radar., , , и . Signal Process., 84 (9): 1477-1480 (2004)A fast phase unwrapping algorithm for SAR interferometry., , и . IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., 37 (1): 452-460 (1999)Classification Schemes for the Radar Reference Window: Design and Comparisons., , , , , , и . IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., 59 (5): 4900-4918 (октября 2023)Multiple Cyber-Threats Containment Via Kendall's Birth-Death-Immigration Model., , , и . EUSIPCO, стр. 2554-2558. IEEE, (2018)Cyber-Threat Mitigation Exploiting the Birth-Death-Immigration Model., , , и . IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Secur., 13 (12): 3137-3152 (2018)Multiple-model algorithms for distributed tracking of a maneuvering target., , , , и . FUSION, стр. 1028-1035. IEEE, (2012)Radar code design with a Peak to average power Ratio constraint: A randomized approximate approach., , , , и . EUSIPCO, стр. 436-440. IEEE, (2011)Knowledge-Based recursive Least Squares techniques for heterogeneous clutter suppression., , и . EUSIPCO, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2006)