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Dear User-Defined Functions, Inlining isn't working out so great for us. Let's try batching to make our relationship work. Sincerely, SQL., , , , , and . CIDR,, (2024)Smoother Transitions Between Breadth-First-Spanning-Tree-Based Drawings., , and . GD, volume 4372 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 442-445. Springer, (2006)The NMI Build & Test Laboratory: Continuous Integration Framework for Distributed Computing Software., , , , , , and . LISA, page 263-273. USENIX, (2006)What's Really New with NewSQL?, and . SIGMOD Rec., 45 (2): 45-55 (2016)Hit the Gym: Accelerating Query Execution to Efficiently Bootstrap Behavior Models for Self-Driving Database Management Systems., , , , , and . Proc. VLDB Endow., 17 (11): 3680-3693 (July 2024)Tigger: A Database Proxy That Bounces With User-Bypass., , , , , , and . Proc. VLDB Endow., 16 (11): 3335-3348 (2023)An Inquiry into Machine Learning-based Automatic Configuration Tuning Services on Real-World Database Management Systems., , , , , , and . Proc. VLDB Endow., 14 (7): 1241-1253 (2021)Tastes Great! Less Filling! High Performance and Accurate Training Data Collection for Self-Driving Database Management Systems., , , , , , and . SIGMOD Conference, page 617-630. ACM, (2022)Litmus: Towards a Practical Database Management System with Verifiable ACID Properties and Transaction Correctness., , , , and . SIGMOD Conference, page 1478-1492. ACM, (2022)BenchPress: Dynamic Workload Control in the OLTP-Bench Testbed., , , , and . SIGMOD Conference, page 1069-1073. ACM, (2015)