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The Semantic Reef: Managing Complex Knowledge to Predict Coral Bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef., , and . ACSW, volume 68 of CRPIT, page 59-67. Australian Computer Society, (2007)A Semantic Web framework to enable sustainable lodging best management practices in the USA., and . J. Inf. Technol. Tour., 14 (4): 291-315 (2014)Building Applications that Matter: Co-designing with Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder., , and . HIS, volume 11148 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 167-174. Springer, (2018)But it doesn't go with the décor: domesticating a telemedicine diabetes intervention in the home., , , and . OZCHI, page 280-289. ACM, (2014)Meta-heuristics to Optimise Complex FIFO (Fly-in-Fly-out) Workforce Roster Modelling in the Mining Sector., , and . ISKE, page 521-525. IEEE, (2015)Linked Data for Cross-disciplinary Collaboration Cohort Discovery., , , and . LD4IE@ISWC, volume 1057 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2013)Sensors in heat: A pilot study for high resolution urban sensing in an integrated streetlight platform., , , , and . ISSNIP, page 1-6. IEEE, (2015)Variations on a Theme: Academic Integrity and Program Code., , , and . ACE, page 56-63. ACM, (2019)Eco-informatics modelling via semantic inference., and . Inf. Syst., 38 (1): 16-32 (2013)Optimizing Clinical Spatial Resources with IoT., , , and . ACSW, page 30:1-30:6. ACM, (2020)