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Regression direction and weak exogeneity: Determining the conditioning properties of US money demand functions, и . Journal of Monetary Economics, 32 (2): 213--235 (ноября 1993)Inflation targeting in a small open economy: Empirical results for Switzerland, и . Journal of Monetary Economics, 37 (1): 89--103 (февраля 1996)Fixing Swiss potholes: The importance and cyclical nature of improvements, и . Economics Letters, 79 (3): 409--415 (июня 2003)Weak exogeneity and dynamic stability in cointegrated VARs. Economics Letters, 43 (2): 167--170 (1993)Policy regime changes and monetary expectations : Testing for super exogeneity. Journal of Monetary Economics, 24 (3): 423--436 (ноября 1989)Variability of large-scale atmospheric circulation indices for the northern hemisphere during the past 100 years, , , , , , , , , и . Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 18 (4): 379--396 (августа 2009)Cointegration and I(0) measurement error bias. Economics Letters, 34 (3): 255--259 (ноября 1990)On the inadequacy of newswire reports for empirical research on foreign exchange interventions. Journal of International Money and Finance, 25 (8): 1226--1240 (декабря 2006)Measuring income elasticity for Swiss money demand: What do the cantons say about financial innovation?. European Economic Review, 51 (7): 1641--1660 (октября 2007)Measurement error and the profitability of interventions: a closer look at SNB transactions data. Economics Letters, 81 (1): 137--142 (октября 2003)