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Self-tuning control of a solar power plant with a distributed collector field, , and . IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 12 (2): 72--78 (April 1992)Min-Max predictive control of a pilot plant using a QP approach., , , , and . CDC, page 3415-3420. IEEE, (2008)Robust MPC control based on a contractive sequence of sets., , and . CDC, page 3706-3711. IEEE, (2003)Human in the loop model Predictive Control: an irrigation canal case study., , , , and . CDC, page 4881-4886. IEEE, (2014)Scheduling of combined heat and power plants by considering risk management., , and . CDC, page 5459-5464. IEEE, (2007)A risk-based strategy for power system optimization., , , , , and . CDC, page 1905-1910. IEEE, (2010)Economic MPC for a changing economic criterion., , , and . CDC, page 6131-6136. IEEE, (2010)Predictive control of a Linear Motor for tracking of constant references., , , , and . CDC, page 4526-4531. IEEE, (2006)Constraints on the shapley value for a coalitional control system., , , , and . ECC, page 1223-1228. IEEE, (2014)Improved MPC Design based on Saturating Control Laws., , , and . Eur. J. Control, 11 (2): 112-122 (2005)