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Efficient and Safe Global Constraints for Handling Numerical Constraint Systems.

, , , , and . SIAM J. Numerical Analysis, 42 (5): 2076-2097 (2005)

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Efficient and Safe Global Constraints for Handling Numerical Constraint Systems., , , , and . SIAM J. Numerical Analysis, 42 (5): 2076-2097 (2005)Variable neighborhood search for graphical model energy minimization., , , , , , and . Artif. Intell., (2020)Complete and Incomplete Approaches for Graph Mining., , , and . ICWIT, volume 867 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 312-317., (2012)Mining diverse sets of patterns with constraint programming using the pairwise Jaccard similarity relaxation., , , , , and . Constraints An Int. J., 29 (1): 80-111 (June 2024)Prediction by extrapolation for interval tightening methods., and . SCAN, page 159-166. Springer, (1998)Using constraint techniques for a safe and fast implementation of optimality-based reduction., , and . SAC, page 326-331. ACM, (2007)Efficient Pruning Technique Based on Linear Relaxations., , and . COCOS, volume 3478 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1-14. Springer, (2003)Towards Constraing-Based Local Search for Automatic Test Data Generation., , and . ICST Workshops, page 195. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)A Global Constraint for Mining Sequential Patterns with GAP Constraint., , , , and . CPAIOR, volume 9676 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 198-215. Springer, (2016)A Framework for the Automatic Correction of Constraint Programs., , and . ICST, page 319-326. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)