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Parameterized Barrier Functions to Guarantee Safety Under Uncertainty., , , and . IEEE Control. Syst. Lett., (2023)Energy-Efficient Reactive and Predictive Connected Cruise Control., , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Intell. Veh., 9 (1): 944-957 (January 2024)On-Board Traffic Prediction for Connected Vehicles: Implementation and Experiments on Highways., , , , , , , and . ACC, page 1036-1041. IEEE, (2022)Stability analysis of connected cruise control with stochastic delays., , and . ACC, page 4624-4629. IEEE, (2014)Connected cruise control design using probabilistic model checking., , and . ACC, page 4964-4970. IEEE, (2017)Nonlinear dynamics of connected vehicle systems with communication delays., and . ACC, page 2759-2764. IEEE, (2015)Lagrangian Models for Controlling Large-Scale Heterogeneous Traffic., , , , and . CDC, page 3152-3157. IEEE, (2019)Data-driven parameter estimation for optimal connected cruise control., and . CDC, page 3739-3744. IEEE, (2017)Evaluating Intent Sharing Communication using Real Connected Vehicles., , , and . VNC, page 69-72. IEEE, (2023)Bayesian Inference for Time Delay Systems with Application to Connected Automated Vehicles., , , and . ITSC, page 3259-3264. IEEE, (2021)