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A Fast Pyramidal Bayesian Model for Mitosis Detection in Whole-Slide Images., , и . ECDP, том 11435 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 135-143. Springer, (2019)Evaluation of Three Optical Flow-Based Observation Models for Tracking., , и . ICPR (4), стр. 236-239. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Fast and Robust Cascade Model for Multiple Degradation Single Image Super-Resolution., и . CoRR, (2020)An optical flow probabilistic observation model for tracking., , , и . ICIP (3), стр. 957-960. IEEE, (2003)Boundary simplification using a multiscale dominant-point detection algorithm., , и . Pattern Recognit., 31 (6): 791-804 (1998)Labeling Human Motion Sequences using Graphical Models., , и . VISAPP (1), стр. 488-495. INSTICC Press, (2009)Fitting Product of HMM to Human Motions., , и . CAIP, том 5702 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 824-831. Springer, (2009)Sharing Visual Features for Animal Categorization: An Empirical Study., и . ICIAR (2), том 4142 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 13-22. Springer, (2006)Labeling Still Image Databases Using Graphical Models., и . IbPRIA, том 5524 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 330-337. Springer, (2009)Real-Time Tracking Using Multiple Target Models., , и . IbPRIA (1), том 3522 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 20-27. Springer, (2005)