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Generación de Aplicaciones Web basadas en Procesos de Negocio mediante Transformación de Modelos., , и . JISBD, стр. 443-452. (2006)Una Propuesta Basada en Modelos para la Construcción de Sistemas Ubicuos que den Soporte a Procesos de Negocio., и . CIbSE, стр. 151-165. (2007)Building Ubiquitous Business Process following an MDD approach., , и . JISBD, стр. 41-50. Thomson Editorial, (2007)Designing Context-Aware Interactions for Task-Based Applications., , и . ICWE Workshops, том 6385 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 463-473. Springer, (2010)Service Obtrusiveness Adaptation., , и . AmI, том 6439 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 11-20. Springer, (2010)Building Self-adaptive Services for Ambient Assisted Living., , , и . IWANN (2), том 5518 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 740-747. Springer, (2009)Modeling Ubiquitous Business Process Driven Applications., , и . CAiSE Forum, том 247 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2007)Presto: A pluggable platform for supporting user participation in smart workflows., , , и . MobiQuitous, стр. 1-2. ICST / IEEE, (2009)Designing and Prototyping Dynamic Software Product Lines: Techniques and Guidelines., , , и . SPLC, том 6287 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 331-345. Springer, (2010)Developing BP-driven web applications through the use of MDE techniques., , и . Softw. Syst. Model., 11 (4): 609-631 (2012)