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Why are foreign firms listed in the U.S. worth more?

, , and . Journal of Financial Economics, 71 (2): 205--238 (February 2004)

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Why are foreign firms listed in the U.S. worth more?, , and . Journal of Financial Economics, 71 (2): 205--238 (February 2004)Indirect robust estimation of the short-term interest rate process, , and . Journal of Empirical Finance, 14 (4): 546--563 (September 2007)Momentum strategies: some bootstrap tests, and . Journal of Empirical Finance, 11 (4): 509--536 (September 2004)The economic consequences of increased disclosure: Evidence from international cross-listings, , and . Journal of Financial Economics, 81 (1): 175--213 (July 2006)The impact of the introduction of the Euro on foreign exchange rate risk exposures, and . Journal of Empirical Finance, 13 (4-5): 519--549 (October 2006)The Theory and Practice of Investor Relations: A Global Perspective., , and . Manag. Sci., 66 (10): 4746-4771 (2020)Why do countries matter so much for corporate governance?, , and . Journal of Financial Economics, 86 (1): 1--39 (October 2007)Global financial markets and the risk premium on U.S. equity, , and . Journal of Financial Economics, 32 (2): 137--167 (October 1992)Another look at the role of the industrial structure of markets for international diversification strategies, and . Journal of Financial Economics, 50 (3): 351--373 (Dec 1, 1998)Multimarket trading and liquidity: a transaction data analysis of Canada-US interlistings, and . Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 8 (3-4): 393--412 (December 1998)