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A Subthreshold Spiking Neuron Circuit Based on the Izhikevich Model.

, , , , , , and . ICANN (5), volume 12895 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 177-181. Springer, (2021)

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A Subthreshold Spiking Neuron Circuit Based on the Izhikevich Model., , , , , , and . ICANN (5), volume 12895 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 177-181. Springer, (2021)Multi-Valued Data Transmission Quality Evaluation Using Two-Dimensional PAM-4 Symbol Mapping., , and . FLAP, 10 (6): 973-991 (2023)Two-Dimensional Symbol Mapping for Evaluating Multi-Valued Data Transmission Quality., , and . ISMVL, page 170-175. IEEE, (2022)Evaluation and Symbol Classification of Multi-Valued Signaling Using Two-Dimensional Symbol Mapping with Linear Mixture Model., , and . ISMVL, page 99-104. IEEE, (2023)Multiple-Valued Data Recovery Techniques for Band-Limited Channels in VLSI., , , and . ISMVL, page 54-60. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Equalization for Compensation of Intersymbol Relationship of Multi-Valued Signaling Using Two-Dimensional Symbol Mapping., , and . ISMVL, page 19-24. IEEE, (2024)PAM-4 Data Transmission Quality Evaluation Using Two- and Three-Dimensional Mapping of Received Symbols., , and . ISMVL, page 94-98. IEEE, (2023)Comparison of Spectrally Efficient Coding Techniques for High-Speed Serial Links., , , and . ISMVL, page 150-154. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Equalization Techniques for Multiple-Valued Data Transmission and Their Application., and . ISMVL, page 26. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Design of a Set Logic Network Based on Frequency Multiplexing and Its Applications to Image Processing., , and . ISMVL, page 8-15. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)